• Facts about life - Inspiration and lifestyle - Mind - Motivation - Philosophy

    Act again but in a better way

    For the pleasure of my supremely beloved Relaxation, the term as well as the practice rejuvenates us. It is true when some one said “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Monotonous work leads to dull mind and a dull mind cannot explore. An idea can refresh your thoughts but to instigate an idea you need a fresh mind. Early morning is one of the best time to work. So, always consider complex tasks during  early morning. Give a thought to your challenges of life during early morning. Because sleep helps us to refresh our mind. But…

  • Facts about life - Inspiration and lifestyle - Mind - Moments of life - Philosophy

    It was all in my mind

    To the pleasure of my supremely beloved When I was a kid. I had this fascination for horror stories. Whenever I read a horror story, I got too indulged into the ghost and what it does to the other characters in the story. Even during my sleep it played like a vivid dream. The scary moments made me wake up and check around. The scare remained until I got a true sense of my surrounding.Those were called Nightmares and little did I know it was all in my mind. One day on an early morning a magazine came along with…

  • Facts about life - India travel - Inspiration and lifestyle - Moments of life

    How I order in a restaurant

    On one of the days while I was travelling in Jaipur, Rajasthan.I thought of having our dinner outside the hotel where I stayed. I went for sight seeing in the morning andĀ  had daal batti churma in the afternoon at local restaurant. Came back to the hotel after lunch and took rest for few hours.And in the evening the question was, should I have pasta or authentic Rajasthani dish again. But before that I decided to have a cup of tea. The weather was cold and I had to get myself ready with jackets, caps, socks etc. I stepped outside…

  • Facts about life - India travel - Inspiration and lifestyle - Moments of life

    The power of Music

    The fantastic part of my recent Rajasthan tour was the music that still soothes my soul. It is not difficult in Rajasthan to indulge yourself in music. The local artisans remained ready playing Sarangi from early morning till dawn. I saw them performing in hotels or on roadside, tourist spots, lakeside, forts etc. The sound of the SarangiĀ  attracts me like a magnet. Especially when it touches the chord of the song ud ja kale kawa. Many times I heard it from far away and my eyes started wondering. I walked few steps ahead as the sound became more prominent.…

  • Facts about life - Inspiration and lifestyle - Moments of life

    Meeting old friends

    Imagine how it would be to meet your old friends after a decade. You still remember the childhood joyful moments, pranks and their mischievous activities. The change in their appearance that happened over a period of many years.. They are older. Few strings of hair have turned grey but still when we see them, we get those rushes of adrenaline. We laugh at the old times, we laugh at situations that were tougher then but now seems to be easier, we laugh at the serious conversations that were serious then but seem funny now, we enjoy those days of life…

  • Facts about life - History - India travel - Philosophy

    The history of Goa

    Goa, the land of beaches is always known for vacation, beer party and sunburn. The beaches are the heart of Goa. The whisper of the sea always bless one with calmness and serenity. At the same time, one can also enjoy loud music with party at night. Goa is a cocktail of peace and serenity as well as party and pubs. The north Goa is especially known for lot of beach activities like water sports, diving etc. While the south Goa is known for peaceful, serene beaches with white sand glittering on daytime. Walking through the serene beaches while white…