• History - Inspiration and lifestyle - Mind - Moments of life - Motivation - Philosophy

    Intuition- feeling beyond mind

    Did you ever turned back when someone stared at you for long time from behind especially at the centre of your back. You were not looking behind. You just realize that someone stared at you even if you didn’t look behind. This is intuition. It is a feeling but unexpressed. Sometimes it is also referred to as gut feeling, that feeling is intuition.In normal situation, sometimes it often happens that you just open the door at the right time when someone is arriving at your house. You know that the person will come within minutes but you don’t know when…

  • Facts about life - Inspiration and lifestyle - Mind - Motivation - Philosophy

    Act again but in a better way

    For the pleasure of my supremely beloved Relaxation, the term as well as the practice rejuvenates us. It is true when some one said “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Monotonous work leads to dull mind and a dull mind cannot explore. An idea can refresh your thoughts but to instigate an idea you need a fresh mind. Early morning is one of the best time to work. So, always consider complex tasks during  early morning. Give a thought to your challenges of life during early morning. Because sleep helps us to refresh our mind. But…