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How to earn online from quora

Very few people know about Quora platform. Quora is mostly used by those users who are associated with a profession. In short term, Quora is mostly used by educated users.

Quora platform is used by users to ask answers to their questions. You will get answers to all your questions on Quora. But if you are good at answering questions and you have a good understanding of any field then you can earn by answering questions in Quora. In this article I will describe how to earn online from quora.

What is quora

Quora is a type of question answer platform. The platform connects users of different languages . Some users ask their questions on this platform and other users answers to those questions. In this way users help each other. You can ask any type of question on Quora. Here you will get answers to all the questions.

If you know any user on Quora platform who can answer your questions, you can request them to answer your questions.

You can also request a user of your choice to answer the question. When you request the user to answer your question, the notification of your question goes to that user.

For example if you want to know how to do MBA, Top business ideas with low budget then you will get answers to all these questions on Quora.

When did Quora start

Quora was started in 2009 by former Facebook employees Adam DeAngelo and Charlie Cheever. But the platform was launched in 2010.
Initially Quora was launched in English language only. But later, in view of its increasing demand, it was developed in other languages ​​as well.
On 29 September 2011, Quora was launched as an iOS version of the app.

While on September 5, 2012, Quora’s Android app was also launched.
Currently, Quora has more than 300 million users in the world.
According to the Internet’s Alexa report, Quora’s maximum users are 40% in America while 20% are in India.
Quora is counted among the top 100 websites in the world.
When Quora started, only you could answer your own questions on this platform. But now users can also earn from Quora by joining Quora partner program.

The popularity of the Quora platform can be gauged from the fact that Quora has more than 100 million organic keywords rank on Google. The platform has organic traffic of 13 to 15 crores which is much bigger than the blogger’s thinking.

Create account

To earn from Quora, first of all the user has to create his account on Quora. To create an account, the user has to login with his Facebook ID or email ID.

If you want, you can also create an account by filling the information. After the account is created, you will have to create the final account by filling all the necessary details of your account.

To earn from Quora, the user has to register on the Quora Partner Program. After that stay on Quora and answer as many questions as possible. You can also ask your questions. The more you respond, the more you will earn.

If users likes your question and answers and are giving your feedback on it then you will get a chance to earn through advertisement from Quora. This process is almost like YouTube.

Many users on Quora are earning even two lakh rupees per month. The better your content, the more users will upvote and this will increase your earning.

Join Quora Partner Program

Just like a blogger needs a Google Adsense account to earn from Google, in the same way, to earn from Quora, a Quora user has to register himself on the Quora Partner Program.

The program helps the user to earn from the ad. Users can transfer this earning to their account through PayPal.

Users can apply for Quora Partner Program only when their question answers have more than one lakh views. While the user’s engagement should be good on the answer given by you.

User Engagement will be good when you answer their questions. Other users will start liking your questions and answers more. So this makes Quora team think that you are a good content writer. Then the Quora Partner Program invitation is sent to the user on behalf of the Quora team. You have to join the program and after that your earning will start.

How to earn from quora

If users are liking your content and your answers to the questions then you can earn in many ways. The information are given below.

Driving traffic to the website

If you do blogging then you have your own website, Quora is a good platform which can help you to increase traffic on your website. You can connect with quora users and drive them to your website. The more traffic on your website, more you will be able to earn from Google Adsense.

You can also add links to your website by writing complete content on Quora.

Sell ebooks

If you like writing books, then you can earn by making e-books and selling them through Quora. But keep in mind that if you want to sell any type of eBooks on Quora then you will first create your account on Quora and answer maximum questions of the user.

The more you connect with the user, the more trust you will gain from users. In this way you can earn by selling your product to them.

Keep in mind that whatever product you are selling to your user, there should not be any kind of fraud in it. Your product should give the user the same value that you promise while selling the product.

Affiliate marketing

If you do not have any product of your own to sell online then you can also earn by selling products of other companies.

You will find many websites on the Internet whose products you can sell by joining the Affiliate Program. In return, the company gives you commission according to the price of the product.

To do Affiliate Marketing through Quora, first you have to answer maximum questions by connecting with the user so that you can get a good hold on Quora. When users will like your content and answers, then you can earn through Affiliate Marketing.

By means of advertisements

If the user starts liking, reacting and upvote the answers posted by you then it will provide an opportunity to earn through advertisement.

By bringing traffic of youtube

If you run youtube channe and the views are less on your channel then you can increase views and subscribers on your YouTube channel through Quora.

To increase your YouTube subscribers through Quora, you have to create a page with the same name on Quora . With the name of your youtube channel, you have to answer the questions related to your Youtube channel in Quora. After answering, you can give the link of your channel in that answer.

Give the link of the same video so that the user’s question can be answered. If user will be satisfied with your answer then he will definitely subscribe to your channel. In this way you can increase your subscribers through Quora.

The more views and subscribers you have on YouTube, the more your earning will increase.

Learning from article

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Remember that someone cannot be helped only with money, but the right advice given to someone is also a help. If you have any kind of question regarding this information, then you can ask in the comment section.

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